yacht protection

In terms of yacht protection, not only the insurance policy is an important element, the policies require a minimum of compliance that seeks the act of good faith of the insured, as well as the reduction of the risks that a ship commonly faces holds

Over time I have noticed that not only the insurance processes are a bit complex for those who do not have a yacht as the only element of attention, usually, their owners are people whose occupation is far from being attentive to the yacht. The secretary is the person who in the first instance manages the values and investments of the ship together with the captain, both are unaware of the other edges to which the ship is subject in terms of compliance, protection and valuation of the same.

Within the valuation of the yacht, its protection against depreciation over time is a challenge that is usually unknown by the captain, the secretary and on many occasions by the owner himself. So we devised a solution that intermediates in that space, which comes to find its validity at two crucial moments, when the boat is going to be bought or sold or when there is partial or total loss damage.

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The registration that we make on the maintenance of the yacht is a document that complies with the international standards of inspection of small vessels and that is well accepted by the insurers in order to achieve with it the understanding and direct registration of the policy of care and protection of the yacht. yacht by its owner. As for the latter, it is a historical record of a family asset.