Jesus Godoy

April 20, 2020

Tropicalization caters more to an answer than to an improvement, in reality it is the solution to a condition that due to the location of the yacht will demand special attention probably not considered by the manufacturer.

With current trends, variations in design and automation of processes in yachts have been changing according to the adjustment of economic challenges and the facilitation of their controls, likewise, the acceptance and commercial relations with manufacturers who, in turn, face the production of systems and mechanisms that present good readings in efficiencies, yields, quality and costs. The result shows pending issues for review that take more than 2 years to discover their effects and responses according to the area of operation and the weather conditions to which these teams end up being subjected. The factories are in need of establishing guarantee policies that summarize by recording the claims of customers who may present novelties with the performance and reaction of innovations or production lines of the systems contained in their yachts.

The design of the systems conserves innovations and reductions that end up leaving vulnerabilities for certain environments whose conditions will require care that varies based on the manufacturer's basic indications for periodicity consideration. For example, in the case of marine engines, it is common that the approximate use of yachts in the Republic of Panama (non-commercial or charter), oscillates in the average 250hrs / year, which would suggest the realization of one (1) only preventive maintenance a year that includes changing oils or parts whose deterioration maintains an acceleration much higher than the recommendations identified in the manufacturers' service tables for that frequency, forcing the performance of some extra services (2 to 3 / year) necessary to avoid damage to parts and parts due to oxidation, due to the high levels of humidity and atmospheric variation to which yachts are subject in the tropics throughout the year, worsening according to season.

This situation occurs in various equipment of the boat subjecting it to a maintenance plan with more frequent services than suggested in the tables, generating greater attention to the possibility of claiming guarantees with its manufacturers.

The dates for which the first inconveniences are noticed are around the first 4 to 8 months approximately after the delivery of the yacht and of residing in the tropics, effects such as RPM failures, black smoke, pressure alarms can be added, engine shutdown or leaks are some of the effects that are beginning to be witnessed, starting a series of works that end up being covered by the client in case they are not aware of their causes or origin Vs the validity of the warranty period, added to the adequate presentation of their records and follow-ups. Therefore, participation in the design and installation process of the yacht's components is extremely important from its initial conception.

The solution

The correction of these cases should start from the effects that the humidity and conditions of the yacht home port environment cause on each team, based on experience and historical record with current cases and to mitigate this effect it is important to know that although the Available systems and equipment already have some unique options for the market on offer, if it is important to be clear about the scope and possibilities of damage that, due to the aforementioned effects, may arise so that they can be preliminarily included within the warranty coverage. It also functions as a read delivery for major pending improvements to be made, to the manufacturer.

In the event that the effects of the environment on the equipment are already available and the yacht is already in the Tropics, there are some procedures that have already been carried out previously in order to improve the systems installed from origin, this implies the integrated revision of the effects that by design can be applied to the yacht and its system without altering its performance, functions and capacities.

The Tropicalization of a yacht does not have to do with just improving or adapting an equipment or system, it is a program that generates a process of changes and adaptations that can be carried out progressively according to an improvement and update plan in agreement with the owner who attends the progress of the impacts that humidity and temperatures exert on the yacht according to its degree of relevance and urgency, making it a project whose progress depends on the financial capabilities according to cost estimates, its ability to perform over time and the actual requirements from the yacht.

It is worth mentioning that these works will be considered as improvements to the boat, which will contribute to its appreciation, also impacting the depreciation equation of the boat, its proper registration and documentation will be key when making the improvements official.

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